Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Dear Ellie,

Costa Rica sounds amazing. It almost makes me wish I was going to a Spanish-speaking country. I know a trip to South America is definitely in my future - the culture sounds so vibrant! But I guess that may also be because we have so much to learn about cultures that aren't our own.

I wish we had more local festivals and celebrations in the US. Holidays in Japan such as Obon (お盆) brought parties of native Okinawans, people from mainland Japan and, of course, us camp staff who happened to be around into the streets for music, dancing and laughter. It's always a good feeling when something like these celebrations can make random people seem like friends and family. One of my fellow camp staff was telling me that the Japanese people even encouraged her to dance inside one of the costume dragon heads they were twirling about in.

I am currently in Chico, spending my days lazily hopping from air-conditioned place to place. I can't wait for the cooler English weather and the opportunity to wear jeans!

More and more interesting conversations have been cropping up on the Facebook page for my hall at the university, including the best thing I've heard all year -- there's a Hogwarts Formal. Coincidentally, as I have mentioned before, the hall also looks like Hogwarts. I couldn't be happier.

"Freshers week," which is basically orientation week for incoming students, also includes a series of evening events requiring costumes. Unfortunately, this also means I will have to save space in my suitcase to pack for nights themed "Cavemen," "Iconic Figures," "Toga Party" and more. Let me emphasize that these are university-hosted events, and that on the information post they informed us the drinking would begin at 7 p.m. I'm going to love England.

Can't wait to hear more about the amazing time you're having over there.


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